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The Society for Co-operation in Russian and Soviet Studies (SCRSS) is a library and cultural centre in London that promotes knowledge of the culture, language and history of Russia and the former Soviet Union (FSU). The Society is a Registered Charity No 1104012 and celebrates its centenary in 2024. Find out about the benefits of SCRSS membership.

The SCRSS Soviet Collections are a library and archive of the arts, humanities and social sciences of the Soviet Union (1917-91). See Library & Archive and Photo Library for more information on the individual collections and research, and search our online catalogue. We also have a loan library for members' use. We organise events and promote Russian language learning. We are a founder member of, the Soviet War Memorial in London. We facilitate cultural contacts between the UK, Russia and the FSU. And we publish a journal, the SCRSS Digest.

SCRSS Centenary 2024

New Publication (July 2024)


An Unpopular Cause: A Centenary History of the Society for Cultural Relations with the USSR 1924-2024
By Jane Rosen (Pbk, 176pp, SCRSS, 2024)

This new book provides a highly readable history of the work the SCRSS has carried out over the past 100 years and its important, yet underrated, role in the field of British-Soviet relations.

Available only from the SCRSS. Order by post (book order form - pdf) or buy in person at one of our Library Open Days.

Next Events

Saturday 3 August 2024, 11.00-16.00
SCRSS Library Open Day and Centenary Exhibition SCRSS members only on this date. Visit the Loan Library and view our new exhibition A Centenary History of the SCRSS in 100+ Objects.

From Thursday 1 August 2024 for 10 weeks, 18.00-20.00
Zoom Online Evening Class:
Russian Language for Good Intermediate Level: Rolling 10-week class, taught by Christine Barnard. Small, friendly and informal group: one hour free conversation, one hour reading, including a short break. For more information or to request a free one-session trial, email Christine Barnard direct on Fee for term: £40.00 (SCRSS members only).

Saturday 7 September 2024, 11.00-16.00
SCRSS Library Open Day and Centenary Exhibition SCRSS members and the public (non-members please make an advance appointment). Visit the Loan Library and view our new exhibition A Centenary History of the SCRSS in 100+ Objects.

SCRSS centenary logo - copyright SCRSS


SCRSS Online Catalogue

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SCRSS premises in London (copyright SCRSS)